Galleon Tirena is owned and operated by the Vuković family, whose many generations fared sea as sailors and captains

Vuković Family comes from Krilo Jesenice, a Dalmatian seaside village that boasts millennia of naval history, including trading, fishing, shipbuilding, and even privateering During the late 20th century 70 families from this small Dalmatian settlement oriented towards tourism and transformed their maritime family businesses into a Croatian success story.

Galleon Tirena's crew

Like everyone else in their hometown, the Vuković family puts their faith in hard work and family values. Proud inheritors of Croatian naval tradition, they dared to take their love of history into uncharted waters, by building the first – and so far the only – accurate historic replica of Croatian historic ship. In navigating this exciting adventure, they had to overcome many obstacles and challenges, from funding to engineering and more. Their dream eventually gathered a crew of experts from Maritime Museum Dubrovnik and master shipbuilders from Omiš Shipyard. After many years of painstaking work, Galleon Tirena, an accurate, 100% wood-made replica of 16-the century Dubrovnik trading ship, took shape, along with the exact replicas of all the historic ship equipment and navigation instruments.

Tirena’s maiden voyage took her to her true hometown, Dubrovnik, where it was welcomed by thousand proud citizens and an elaborate ceremony. Ever since Tirena has been sailing Dubrovnik waters, never ceasing to amaze with its effortless elegance and absolutely unique spirit. 

 To see Tirena sail around Dubrovnik is more than a visual synergy – it is to enter a time machine.